Game made for the UntitledGameJam35.

Movement: wsad / arrows.
Interaction: space
Reset score (including saves): U (in game lobby)
Emergency minigame reset: i

The minigames are not "winnable", you're supposed to get as many points as possible. The more the points, the more difficult the game mechanics should get.

What am i looking at:
A friend of mine had an idea to make the game arcade from vimlark's Flyer Kid. We've hit some major IRL time consuming matters, so the goal switched to patch it up, and make it all playable :) 

This is my first time doing a "whole" project in godot. Whatever the outcome - I'm glad for I have learned way more than I thought I would :)

Almost all assets are from vimlark:


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Cool game overall I'd say. It is a bit unoriginal but the theme is pretty cool. I wish you made your own games instead of using main types already created.